Day 13: Visualising PINK1 and LC3B, and running a western blot on 0 hour hypoxic ischaemic p9 mice samples

The results for PINK1 and LC3B:

PINK1 and LC3B seemed to be observed more in the 24 hour lanes (last 4 lanes) than in the 4 hours lanes. This is understandable, as cells which underwent oxygen glucose deprivation for a longer period of time would be under more stress and consequently more mitochondrial mitophagy would occur in those cells.

Running a western blot on p9 mice cell samples at 0 hours after hypoxic ischaemia for 70 minutes:

I had previously tested for mitochondrial mitophagy quality control proteins on p9 mice samples at 2 hours and 24 hours, thus we needed to test for changes in the proteins at 0 hours. We decided to test for the presence of Parkin and LC3B. I followed the same western blot procedure that I had conducted before and left the membrane at 4 degrees in the cold room with the primary antibodies for visualisation after secondary antibody treatment the next day.


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